Sergei and Lena: Taking the Ring

A good day indeed!

Under a canopy of cerulean sky, verdant leaves and grasses pulsed with life, meadow flowers gloried in sun rays, all yellow and violet, a whirling flutter of unabating white wings flit among the gathering people. Expectation bubbled over the diminutive amphitheater on this captivating day for nuptials.  Our groom stood cool in the back, off white kicks, gray stonewashed jeans, white and black ribbed jacket and dark gray shirt completed his attire. His short hair was slightly mussed, soccer style. Straight up natty!

The air was charged with excitement, that rare excitement you experience when something you have longed for, something beautiful, noble, pure and fine is moments from realization. It was this anticipation that together, bridegroom, family and friends waited in.


I couldn’t help but think of Jesus waiting for his Bride.

And when we were about to burst with the waiting, our bride pulled up. Her hair done up in flowers, her Grecian gown splendent white in the midday sun.  Although she was late, she was right on time. Escorted to her waiting groom, she stood before him, butterflies alighting in her hair, on her bouquet. We watched in joy as two friends came together, friends who have walked the dark, cold streets of Irkutsk. Friends dead in sin. But they saw the Light. They are alive! They are alive!

A Siberian wedding.

Sergei and Lena: June 20th, 2010.

(Sergei was featured in an earlier story called, “Sergei: Breaking the Needle”)

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